Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dec 2, 2015

Nico and Anya playing together in the hallway at our apartment.  Nico has been such a great big brother to Anya.  You can tell he and Anya love each other.  Yes, sometimes Nico gets jealous of a toy that Anya has and takes it away from her, and sometimes he gets jealous of Mommy and Anya time and wants more time with Mommy, but for the most part, he hasn't been very jealous and has taken well to his baby sister.  It also helps that Anya takes long naps, so when she is asleep and Nico is awake, I get to really focus on Nico and give him good Mommy-son time.

Below is Nico having a fun morning yesterday at Columbia Park in Torrance.  We go by Columbia Park on the way to Nico's preschool, and he's been asking us to take him to it.  It finally worked out to take a trip there, and he had a blast.  While we were there, a Vietnamese man brought us some toys he had in his car that he said his sons don't use anymore.  Shortly after that, several other kids came to play at the park (a mom with a Hispanic boy she was babysitting and an Asian lady with two 3-yr old twins), so all the kids played with the toys together, and then at the end we divided them up and each took some of them home.

I gave Anya water in a bottle for the first time yesterday after lunch.  She loved it and drank an ounce.

She's also starting to eat more finger foods and has eaten Cheerios, Mum Mums, and several different types of Gerber puffs.  She has a lot of trouble still with grasping banana chunks.  Here is her first time eating steamed carrots.  She ate most of them up!

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