Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 19, 2015

It's hard to find time to blog on every single day that I take pictures, so here are some pictures from several different days.

 Ms. Anya loves to stand, and she can keep herself standing while holding on with only one hand.  She wants to move back and forth on the rails but needs to learn to use her legs.
 Evening story time with Daddy
Looking for bright red berries in pods that fell from the tree

We were able to take a short trip to Dominguez park in the afternoon.  This is the park where buddy Zak plays baseball sometimes, and it has a dog park adjacent to it.  We ran into a lady named Jodie, and her daughter, Kinney, who we had met several years ago when they visited our church one Sunday.

 Anya's first time eating Cheerios.  She got some of them in her mouth but most ended up on the floor.

 This morning, we were invited to his friend, Sophia's, pumpkin party at La Paz Parkette.
Nico's really into spelling his name lately.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 15, 2015

It's finally cold enough to light the fireplace!

Nico and his buddy, Ryan, playing together at Wilson Park.  This is the only time Nico sat still long enough for a picture.
Meanwhile, while Nico and Mommy were having fun at Wilson park, Daddy was at home taking excellent care of Anya.

Some friends we got to know through seeing each other at the neighborhood parks just brought over this box they had made for their daughter but that she was done playing with.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

November 8, 2015

It's been a while since I've updated the blog, so here are all the noteworthy pictures that we've taken since the last post.

 Nico excited to receive his fall fun package from Grandma Karen and Grandpa Hank!  Anya was excited for her gifts, too.

A fortress that Nico built
Nico at his preschool's harvest festival that they had at the end of his first week.

 There were games for the children to play.

 The teachers had an orange theme for the kids.

 Uncle John came to visit during Halloween weekend!  Here we see Uncle John and Nico enjoying olives for lunch.

Nico loved being a red crayon and having his uncle go trick or treating with him!

Anya had fun taking everything in going trick or treating as a sailor girl for her first Halloween.  We trick or treated down Marshallfield and then back up Pullman Lane, and then Nico and Daddy went by the Koses house afterwards.
A cute, silly pic that Daddy took of Anya
 Nico loves to build things.

 We had been planning to join Nico's friend, Ben, in Santa Monica on his walk to raise money for the immunodeficiency foundation, as his friend Ben has a genetic disease in which he does not have an immune system, but Tim, Nico, and Anya were all sick with colds, so we couldn't join them.  Therefore, we wore our Team Ben shirts and did the walk around our neighborhood.