Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26, 2015

Today was Nico's first day of preschool!  Daddy took him to school and said that he ran right into Mrs. Sheppard's class (where all the kids go until 8:30) with no hesitation.  Ms. Wendy said that he did great and that you couldn't even tell it was his first day, as he just played and jumped right into the activities.  After school, we went to his favorite fast food restaurant, Chick Fil-A, and since it was so crowded that we couldn't find a parking space, we ate our lunch at Pullman Park.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 23, 2015

Today was Nico's last day at Journey of Faith's Mom's Morning Out.  He has been going to class there on Tuesday and Friday mornings for roughly a year.  He had a great experience there and has really been in his groove there this year.  He runs to class and doesn't turn around and say goodbye when they let him in the classroom.  Our two favorite teachers there were both named Miss Kim.  One of them became the new interim-director there recently.  He had another teacher named Miss Monique and another named Miss Salita in addition to so many other teachers who have taken great care of him.  We will miss having him there, but he is sailing off to new adventures this Monday at Ascension Lutheran preschool.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 22, 2015

 Today, Nico got his hair cut by Cathy at Janie and Joe's, so that he looks all sharp for his first day of preschool Monday.  He loves going to Janie and Joe's, as they let him watch TV and sit in a car during the haircut, and then afterwards he gets a stamp on each hand, a sticker, and a lollipop.  After his haircut, he played for a short time at the park next to Janie and Joe's.
 After the park, we stopped at the Argentinian market and picked up some yummy chicken empanadas for lunch.
After lunch, Nico made a card to send to his girlfriend, Elizabeth.
Below are a few pics I took a couple days ago.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 17, 2015

 Nico, Anya, and I took a walk around the neighborhood this morning while Daddy was at work, and Nico ran into his cat friend, Clyde, who lives on Clark Lane.

The weather has finally started to be more fall-like and cool, so we've been taking more walks and have been enjoying seeing the houses decorated with Halloween decorations.
This evening, we went to our church's Oktoberfest.  It was Anya's first Oktoberfest.  Daddy dressed up this year in Lederhosen.

Friday, October 16, 2015

October 16, 2015

 Here's a recap of the week:  We took a trip to Chick Fil-A

 Nico put together another package of Halloween Little Makers

 Anya was her usual contented self, and she loves eating her Baby Mum Mums

I came into Nico's room one evening to find he'd thrown his underwear up on the curtain rod.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

October 11, 2015

Look who chugged a bottle of formula today!  Anya took a bottle and had a little bit of formula when she was really young but then went on bottle strike for months.  Now that she's on solids and used to food other than Mommy's milk, she has no trouble with the bottle.  I'll continue primarily nursing, but this opens up the door for a date night this Christmas and for Mommy to take Nico on his first trip to the movie theater also this Christmas!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

October 10, 2015

Lucas' 3rd Birthday

Anya had fun, too, grabbing toys!

It was a very hot day.  The high was 97F, and it was the hottest in our apartment we've ever seen (91F), so in the afternoon, we went out to dinner at the new shopping center in El Segundo called The Point.

For dinner, we tried one of Uncle John's favorite restaurants that just opened up here last month.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

October 8, 2015

A morning at Veteran's Park in Redondo Beach

This was the first time in 6 months that we'd made it to our favorite activity - the farmers' market at Veteran's Park.  I didn't have any cash due to having just realized that my ATM card expired last July (I guess about the only time I use cash is to go to the farmers' market, lol), and the stands don't take credit card, but the farmer at our favorite stand gave Nico for free a little bit of his favorite trail mix that he'd been looking forward to, Nico also got a handful of the popcorn that he wanted from the stand that gives out free popcorn samples, and the sweet Mexican lady, Sylvia, was at her stand as usual and was excited to see us.  We've found these farmers to be so kind and generous, and we've missed them.

We also took a stroll around the Redondo Beach pier.

After nap time, we took a short stroll around the neighborhood and stopped at "Pullman Park" a.k.a. Gregg Parkette.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

October 6, 2015

Nico loves to paint, or maybe I should say, loves to mix different paint colors together and make messes.  Everyday he asks to get out his paints, and today he wanted to show off his "rainbow" hands.

I also found him another package of Halloween characters to make.

In other news, Anya has tried all of her first foods and is an amazing eater!  She seems to love peaches and squash the most and for lunch the other day ate an entire Gerber first foods container of peaches mixed with a lot of oatmeal cereal.  She also loves Baby Mum Mums, which she's feeding herself in the above picture.

While photographing Anya at lunch, Nico didn't want to be left out of the picture action.